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Tudor Replica

Robert Melville is a lifelong watch enthusiast. Being directly involved in the design of the Tudor Replica RM 11 03 was a dream for Robert Melville. Design Director at McLaren Automotive.

Before joining McLaren, you worked for Jaguar Land Rover as well as General Motors. What is the difference in experience?

McLaren is my home. I've worked here for nine years and it still feels like a home. The studio culture is unique. It is important to me. I want to create an environment that encourages people to be creative, brave, and take risks. The speed of growth is one of the most fascinating changes. We began as a company that produced one car, then developed Now we can work on up to four projects simultaneously. We have 2,500 employees on site, up from 500. Our high-tech production centre, located next to our technical centre, is where we build the Sports, Super, and Ultimate series. McLaren Special Operations is a division of McLaren where cars can be completely customised or even have a new design created.

All pretty standard. We sketch, create 3D models, then choose two of the best options. Then we make them in full size and narrow down the choices to just one. We are unique in that we work hand-in-hand with the engineering team from day one. I'd always like to work this way - I want both design and engineering to be part of my job. This is a brave and holistic approach, but it is the most effective way to create cutting-edge products.

McLaren vehicles are not just any other road car. They are very challenging and exotic designs, but once you learn more about them, people begin to understand them. The designs are very different from mass-market cars.Rolex Cellini Replica They look futuristic, but always have a purpose and a reason to be.

Then, it's a bit like a Tudor Replica timepiece?

It is exactly like Tudor Replica. Tudor Replica may not be to everyone's taste. Some people like classic dress watches and don't understand why someone would purchase one. It's not a fake. Watches and cars are both personal - you purchase a McLaren, or an RM to make a statement about the company. You do this because it is new, and the materials and aesthetics "out there". McLaren's mission is to create "breathtaking" products that are visually compelling and tell the story of their purpose. Tudor Replica is no different, I believe.